Hasan Pour Sheikh Ali

Hasan inherited his love for mountains from his grandfather. An avid amateur mountaineer from adolescence, Hasan gradually found his way toward professional mountaineering. After mastering in technical skills that made him proficient in desert, mountain, wall and canyon, he found a new passion: Search and Rescue. Early in his adulthood, he picked a career outside the realm of his favorite sport but then his capabilities as a rescuer opened up a new path in his life, that of mixing his passion with his livelihood. As a member of the Search and Rescue Team of Kerman Province, Hasan has now gained a wider acquaintance with the region (both aerial and ground), as well as a considerable amount of experience that make him a reliable leader. Hasan also had an active cooperation for holding Marathons in Lut Desert, and in registering Lut Desert in the UNESCO Natural World Heritage list.
Hasan as a professional
Ice and snow climbing
Search and Rescue (Iranian Red Crescent)
Rescue from height (Iranian Red Crescent)
Advanced Trekking
Rock climbing basics
Advanced Rock Climbing
Ice and Snow Climbing Basics
Advanced Ice and Snow Climbing
Mountain Medicine
Map reading skills
Director of Mountaineering and Himalayan climbing board of Kerman Province
Director of Mountaineering and sport climbing committee of Kerman Province
Club supervisor of the Mountaineering House of Kerman
Base director of Kerman Province Red Crescent’s mountain search and rescue and aviation rescue
15 years of professional mountaineering
Summited all of Iran’s highest peaks
Winter ascents of Turkey’s Mount Ararat (5,137 m) with National Youth Mountaineering Team of Iran
Record holder at ascending Jupar mountain’s peaks (highest 4135m)
Cave discovery team of Kerman Province
Route setting and safety (wall, waterfall and canyon) team of Kerman Province
Selection camp of Kerman Province
An assistant to Iranian Department of Environment
Operator of Rope access projects in Kerman
Technical guide (Mountain, canyon, cave and desert)
Responder to national search and rescue missions of Iranian Red Crescent