Fayyaz Haqiqat

Fayyaz’s rural background tied his soul to nature and traditional lifestyle. But this didn’t stop him from pursuing a modern life in the modern world. After years of working at a job he didn’t really like and living a life that didn’t really satisfy him, he was introduced to a world where he found real life: the world of eco-tourism. In ecotourism, he could find all the things that set his soul on fire: nature, friendship, freedom, peace and interaction with other cultures. To Fayyaz, being a guide is an adventure in the lovely mountainous setting he grew up in, it is an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and it is a great way to make new friends. Also a good mountaineer, Fayyaz has been leading hiking tours around the beautiful Alamut region for years. The intimate bonds he creates with his group make him a pleasant company and even a friend for life.